Greene County Schools Attendance Office
Dear Parent,
Greene County Schools would like to notify each of you of our Truancy Law. The law T.C.A. code 49-6-3009(c) states that every local board of education shall adopt a Progressive Truancy Plan for students who violate compulsory school attendance requirements prior to filing a truancy petition or a criminal prosecution for educational neglect. Progressive Truancy Intervention Plans must meet the following requirements:
TIER I will occur at the minimum of 3 unexcused absences.
Tier I of the progressive truancy plan shall apply to all students within the district and include school wide prevention-oriented supports to assist with satisfactory attendance. These supports shall include, but are not limited to:
1. Any student accumulating a minimum of 3 unexcused absences will be sent a letter and/or receive a phone call from attendance designee as a preventative measure.
2. School counseling services may be made available to the student.
3. Staff members at each school will monitor attendance records on a regular basis to identify student attendance.
Tier II will occur at the minimum of 5 unexcused absences.
Tier II must be implemented upon a student’s accumulation of additional unexcused absences in violation of Tier I. Tier II must include an individualized assessment by a school employee of the reasons the child has been absent from school. The employee may refer a student to counseling, community-based services, or other in-school or out-of-school services aimed at addressing the students attendance problems.
Tier III will occur at the minimum of 10 unexcused absences.
Tier III must be implemented if the truancy interventions under Tier II are unsuccessful. The student may be referred to the Greene County Schools Truancy Board.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's principal.
You may also reach Amber Moore with the Attendance Office at 423.638.1805