School Health Services
Greene County School nurses work in the educational setting with students who are basically well and also with those who have chronic illnesses. Our nursing service focuses on health counseling, health monitoring, education, and consultation.
The School Nurse is responsible for:
• Case Management for chronically ill children
• Vision and Hearing Screening
• Reviewing and updating immunization and physical records
• Medication self administration and monitoring
• Development and implementation of Individualized Health Plans for children with special health needs
• Control of communicable diseases
• Screenings for head lice
• CPR, First Aid and OSHA training for staff
• Initiating Telemedicine Visits
The health services website is strictly for educational and informational purposes and is NOT intended to be a substitute for a health care provider's consultation. The use of information provided on this site does not create a doctor-patient or hospital-patient relationship with the reader. Related links are to web sites that might be of interest to you. The inclusion of any resource or links in these pages does not imply endorsement.
Telehealth Information
Cardiac Arrest Warning Information
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training Resources
One requirement of Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-6-3601 is all coaches, whether employed by a LEA or public charter school or a volunteer, shall receive training in CPR and AEDs. LEAs may choose to go above and beyond the law and certify coaches from a national certifying organization such as the American Heart Association or American Red Cross. Whether receiving training or certification, it is paramount that coaches know how to respond during sudden cardiac arrest. High quality CPR delivered early during an emergency saves lives!
Training resources:
Recognize, React, Rescue: Effectively Treating Sudden Cardiac Arrest
How to SAVE a LIFE - Recognize Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Athletes