Mission and Vision of Greene County Schools
The Greene County School System provides quality educational experiences and extra-curricular activities to approximately 6,500 students enrolled in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. The basic education and majority of the special education services are delivered through seven elementary schools, four middle schools, four high schools, and one alternative school. Additional programs are located at the Glenwood Education Center. The success of these programs is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of the approximate 530 certified and 350 classified personnel employed by the system.
Mission Statement
We Guide, Cultivate, and Succeed.
Students in Greene County Schools will develop a joy for learning; graduates from Greene County Schools will be prepared to enter the workforce with an industry certificate, to enroll in a community college with dual credits earned, or to enroll in a four-year college or university with ACT scores that forecast success. Furthermore, graduates will be contributing citizens demonstrating responsible, ethical behavior. To that end,
Our schools will:
- Provide a hopeful, challenging environment.
- Demonstrate the belief that hard work will result in success.
- Provide classes and coursework that are flexible, with an emphasis on students' strengths and interests while supplying support where needed.
Our teachers will:
- Model enthusiasm for learning and seek learning opportunities for themselves.
- Develop awareness and understanding of students' individual strengths, needs, and interests.
- Demonstrate the ability to provide effective instruction on common core standards in a way that engages students based on their readiness, interests, and learning styles.
- Hold high expectations for students, expecting nothing less than their best.
Our students will:
- Develop a vision for the future and work toward that vision.
- Enjoy a relationship with an adult or adults who understand and support their vision.
- Accept responsibility for their successes and failures, demonstrating persistence and resilience in an effort to succeed.
- Education is the most important service a community provides for itself.
- All children can learn, and most can learn at very high levels.
- Skilled teachers and support staff make a difference.
- Strong leaders set the tone.
- Useful data provide direction.
- Safe, clean, appropriate facilities and 21st-century resources are a necessity.
- School, family, and community partnerships strengthen learning.
Links and Resources
- Greene County Partnership
- TN Department of Education
- United Way of Greene County
- Greene LEAF Educational Foundation
- Family Resource Center